Oasis Benevolence Form
Benevolence Policy:

It is the heart of Oasis to be generous and bless those in times of need. Benevolence is a non-taxable charitable contribution provided to alleviate hardships. The IRS allows funds to be used by non profits for the purposes of fulfilling their scriptures and mission. The committee reserves the right to determine who receives funds. Donors may not direct Church to allocate their contributions to be paid as benevolence to any specific individual unless the request is initiated by the church.

- Must be a team member in good standings OR
- An outside need presented by a team member in good standings
- Must be a financial need that by helping that need, it will actually make a difference and give relief

- A form should be filled out and the committee will be notified.
- The committee will determine if the need is viable and fulfills the mission of the church
- The committee will determine if the need is justified as benevolence.
- A member of the committee will notify the person receiving benevolence if their request was approved.

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Name of person needing help *
Phone Number of person needing help
Describe the need and what makes it benevolence.
Estimate of funds needed (Or approved for)
Qualifications *
Form submitted by *
Form of payment preferences
Clear selection
If Bank Check Mailed - Add Name / Address
If Zelle Transfer - add Zelle contact info
If paid to business - Add contact info for business
Anything else we need to know
You are all done.
If your request for benevolence is approved, someone from our committee will reach out to you.
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