AI-Powered Firebase Admin Panel

We’re developing an AI-enhanced admin panel for Firebase/Firestore to help users manage their data more efficiently with automation, insights, and smart queries.

Whether you’re a developer, student, startup, or business, your feedback will help us build the best possible experience.

This survey takes less than 2 minutes—thank you for your time! 🙌

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What best describes you?
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Do you currently use Firebase/Firestore in your projects?
How do you currently manage your Firestore data?
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Would you be interested in an AI-powered admin panel to manage your Firebase/Firestore data?
What features would be most valuable to you?
How often do you need to run queries or analyze Firestore data?
Would AI-generated reports and insights help you make better decisions?
What price range would you consider reasonable for a Pro plan? ($10-$20, $20-$50, $50+, Other)
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What would make you switch to this solution over existing Firestore admin solutions?
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