22-23 Course Selection for Grades 9-12
This is your opportunity to select the elective courses you are interested in taking next year based on what we  plan to offer. Please submit your choices by Friday, July 1, 2022. If you do not complete and submit this form, we will do our best to fill your schedule with the courses that are available.

Please understand that the master schedule is subject to change based on enrollment, staffing, student choices/needs, and teacher recommendations. If you failed one or more classes during the 21-22 school year, administration and staff will make the necessary adjustments to your schedule in order to meet graduation requirements.

First Name *
Last Name *
Indicate the grade you will be in during the 2022-23 school year. *
Choose the elective courses you are interested in taking from the list below. You may select up to 6 courses (3 per semester).  A full year elective will count as 2 courses (1 per semester). *
If you need to retake a core class (English, Math, Science, Social Studies), select the core subject area below for the class(es) you need to take:
The Career Center still has openings in many of their programs.  If you are a junior or senior and are interested in attending the Career Center next year, but have not submitted a registration form, please indicate the program(s) you are interested in from the list below. You will need to pick up a registration form in the main office  and return it ASAP in order to secure a spot.
1st Choice
2nd Choice
Auto Service Technology
Careers in Education
Computer Technology
Culinary Arts Management
Digital Media
Graphic Communications
Health Occupations
Clear selection
What elective options would you like to see at Marlette?  We may not be able to offer these this year, but can look at providing them in the future.
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