New to Reception September 2022 Online Form
It is our intention to be able to communicate with you regularly, introduce you to staff, learning environments and get to know all about your child and their family as soon as possible.  In order to do this we need you to complete this online form for us so we can set you up a new Tapestry Online Learning Journey. The Tapestry App/website will allow us to communicate about your child via a secure online platform. We are aware many of your children will have a Tapestry account from their preschool setting. However, we wish to begin using it as soon as possible, rather than waiting until the end of August when they are usually transferred to us. So we will be creating new accounts for the children.  
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E-posta *
Tapestry Consent

Please read the following statement regarding Tapestry:

All Reception children attending Castle Hill School have a personal on-line Learning Journey which records photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage, to build up a record of your child’s experiences during their time with us.
The Tapestry Online Learning Journey is a system which is hosted in the UK on secure servers. These servers conform to very high environmental standards and are proactively managed 24 hours a day.  Each account has its own database and the code itself is developed using hack-resistant techniques.  Filenames are encoded for uploaded videos and images, making it a safe and secure on-line Learning Journey tool.  The App and website  will allow you to have secure access to your child’s Learning Journey and we encourage you to add to it by uploading photos and comments, or commenting on observations made by us.
Once you have provided the school with an e-mail address we will be able to set you up with an account.  
In order for your child’s Learning Journey to be created please could you provide permission by completing the form below.  Please note: each parent only has access to their own child’s Learning Journey. If you have more than one child joining the setting (e.g. twins) a separate form will need to be completed for each child.
I give permission for Castle Hill Primary School to create an online Learning Journey for my child *
Child's full name (please include their first and surname here) *
Child's Date of Birth *
Full name of adult responsible for the child and giving permission for the Tapestry account to be created (please include your first and surname here) *
Relationship to the child *
The e-mail address(es) you would like to link with the account so you can access your child’s Tapestry Learning Journey (you can provide more than one email address if you would like to) *
Image Consent
Please read the following statement regarding Image Consent:

We may take photographs or videos for a number of reasons whilst your child is with us:
- to document what they enjoy doing
- to record their learning and development progress
- to include in newsletters, learning journals and displays around the school
- to record special events and achievements
- occasionally, we may invite the media to take photographs or film footage for publicity purposes and to record any special events
- images may also be used in our publicity, in our prospectus or on the website.

A learning journal will be used to reflect your child’s time in Reception.  It will include photographs of your child at play with other children, for example in a group of children wearing costumes pretending to be Goldilocks and the Three Bears in the home corner.

To comply with the The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018, we need your permission before we can photograph or make any recordings of your child.
I consent to photographs of my child being taken by authorised personnel (e.g. teachers and teaching assistants) at Castle Hill Primary School *
I consent to videos of my child being taken by authorised personnel (e.g. teachers and teaching assistants) at Castle Hill Primary School. *
I consent to photographs/videos containing my child’s image being included in other children’s learning journals (e.g. singing in a group together, when they are playing together in a group or individual photos of children from the class when they are taking part in a similar activity) *
I consent to treat photographs/videos containing images of other children for my own personal use only. This means that the information cannot be shared with others, or published in any way, without the explicit consent of the parents or carers of those children who may be included.  For example, any such photographs cannot be posted on a social networking site or displayed in a public place – if this occurs parents will be made ‘inactive’ and will no longer be able to use the Tapestry Account. *
Please note that you can withdraw your consent, in writing, or request to see photos/videos taken at any time. This form is valid for the duration of your child’s time at Castle Hill Primary School.  It is your responsibility to let us know if you want to withdraw or change your consent at any time.
Transition EYFS Stay & Play Snack Sessions (Please select the sessions you would like to attend with your child) *
Transition EYFS Stay & Play Session with lunch (Please select the session you would like to attend with your child) *
Lunch options for the EYFS Stay & Play Session with lunch on 29th/30th June *
Little Forest School Transition Sessions (Please select the sessions you would like your child to attend) *
Please tell us the names of three friends that your child knows when starting school. We will try as hard as we can to ensure that your child is placed in the best class base for them. We work hard to make sure they know at least one friend in their class base. The children will have the opportunity to still all play with each other though, regardless of which class they are put in so please don't worry if one of their friends are in a different class. If your child doesn't know anyone starting school with them that is fine, leave the next boxes blank. They will make lots of lovely new friends once they start school.
Please provide the first name of a friend your child knows already
Please provide the second name of a friend your child knows already
Please provide the third name of a friend your child knows already
Is there anything else you would like us to know about your child at this point?
Is there anything you are particularly concerned/worried about in regards to your child starting school next year?
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