Cybersecurity Forward 2022 Call for Proposals extended to May 4
Help others become more cyber secure by presenting at Cybersecurity Forward! Submit your proposal by Wednesday, May 4, 2022 to showcase and share your knowledge.

For more information on Cybersecurity Forward, please visit our website:

Proposal questions? Contact us at:
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E-mail *
Who will be presenting the session? *
If you will be providing your own moderator for this session, please add it here in addition to your presenter(s) information.
What is the email address of the presenter(s)? *
If you will be providing your own moderator for this session, please add their email addresses here in addition to your presenter(s) information.
What is the name of the presenter's or presenters' organization/business? *
What format will your session be in? *
What is the working title of the session? *
Please provide a brief overview of the session. *
List at least 2-3 calls to action that people will learn from your session. Please bullet point your responses and limit each to less than 3 sentences. *
A call to action is what you hope your session participant will feel empowered to do or achieve after attending your session. This can be seeking further information, or applying what they've learned as a result of your session.
What are 2-3 learning objectives of this session? Please bullet point your responses and limit each to less than 3 sentences. *
Learning objectives provide your potential participant with an idea as to what they can expect from your session, and will help the planning team determine how your session may fit in.
What category does your session best fit in?
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Can the session be recorded and shared on the Cybersecurity Forward 2022 website? *
Have you presented at a conference before?
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