Help us curate the Best of Lowco Golf!
As we tee off for a new era of golf coverage in the Lowcountry, ranging from local juniors to the pros with reporting on the local golf industry and course reviews from around the area, we need you to help us take the temperature of the Lowco Golf scene with our inaugural Best of Lowco Golf awards!

We are accepting nominees in 13 categories — Best Public Course, Best Private Course, Best Hole (Public), Best Hole (Private), Best Finishing Hole (Public), Best Finishing Hole (Private), Best Clubhouse (Public), Best Clubhouse (Private), Best Instructor, Best Practice Facility (Public), Best Practice Facility (Private), Best Golf Store, and Best Virtual Golf Experience.

Nominations will be accepted through Feb. 28 and three finalists in each category will be selected from the nominees. The winner in each category will be selected through online voting during a two-week period in March, and the winners will be announced on and through our social media channels at a time and date to be determined on our around April 1.

Before submitting your nominations, please share a bit about yourself and let us know if you want to stay in the loop about Lowco Golf!

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