Food in Class Authorization Form
 100 Days of School Froot Loop Necklace and Valentine Party
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We will be making a Froot Loop necklace for our 100 Days of School celebration on Feb. 7.  Please indicate whether or not your child has permission to eat Froot Loops. *
Activities during the Valentine party on Feb. 14 will involve a frosted sugar cookie.   Please indicate whether or not your child has permission to eat a frosted sugar cookie. *
I give permission for my child to accept Valentine treats from other students. I understand these treats will not be eaten in class but will be sent home with them at the end of the day. 
Party Donations: If you haven't already and are able, a one time donation to help with the cost of class parties this year would be greatly appreciated.  Suggested donation for all parties is $10.  Donations may be paid in the Q1 office or online under "Other Donations and Fees" and enter "Ms. Lisa's Class Parties" Quest Online Payments (no answer required below). Thank you!
Child's Name *
Parent/Guardian E-Signature (Full Name--typing your name gives permission for your student to participate in this activity). *
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