LDAS Fundraising Awards Dinner
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Name (first and last) *
Phone Number *
Please select a pick-up time
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Please select the number of meals *
Salad (Please choose one option) *
Entree (Please choose one option) *
All orders must be paid in full by March 1, 2021 @ 12:00 midnight via e-transfer to info@ldasudbury.ca
Meal totals are as follows: Single Meal $60.00        Dinner for Two $120.00          Dinner for Four $240.00
Meals will be ready for pick up at P&M's Kouzzina, 1463 Lasalle Blvd. at your desired pick up time.  If someone is picking up on your behalf please enter their name here.
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Thank you for supporting The Learning Disabilities Association of Sudbury.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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