Quiz: XION Learning Series Part 1

Learning Series quizzes are thoughtfully crafted to challenge your understanding and encourage critical thinking while delving into XION's core concepts and features. The quizzes will give you the opportunity to reinforce what you've learned, solidify your knowledge, and gain the confidence needed to navigate the XION ecosystem with ease.

Step 1. Read through all the Learning Series installments below

Step 2. Submit the quiz

Step 3. Claim OAT on Galxe when getting all answers correct (takes up to 24 hours to update)

Step 4. Claim badge & role on Guild

Reference Learning Series Installments:

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email (use same as Galxe to claim badge) *
Quiz Questions
What is XION? *
1 point
What is Burnt? *
1 point
What is the primary problem that XION is solving? *
1 point
What makes XION unique as an L1? *
1 point
True or False: XION is built on battle-tested infrastructure securing over $50 billion in assets. *
1 point
Is XION an interoperable L1? *
1 point
What are some of the functional barriers that XION is tackling? *
1 point
XION's holistic approach to tackling cultural barriers includes Communication, Credibility, and ____? *
1 point
How performant is XION? *
1 point
True or false: Generalized Abstraction is an all-encompassing infrastructure solution at the protocol-level, enabling XION to abstract away all complexities to make Web3 accessible to everyone. *
1 point
What makes Generalized Abstraction a novel infrastructure solution? *
1 point
How is XION's Account Abstraction different than Account Abstraction on EVM? *
1 point
What does it mean for XION to be ‘signature agnostic’? *
1 point
Bonus: In your own words, what excites you about XION?
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