Creative Spotlight

Hello, Creative Spirit! 🌟

We're thrilled that you're considering being a part of our weekly newsletter, "Woo Your Creativity." Our mission is to provide weekly doses of magical inspiration to woo the creative spirit. We believe that every creative voice, including yours, deserves to be heard. Whether you're a seasoned artist, an emerging designer, a wordsmith, or a visionary in any creative realm, we're eager to know your story.

By submitting your bio, you're not just sharing your journey; you're inspiring countless others with your passion and vision. Please take a few moments to fill out the form below. Let's shine a spotlight on your unique creative flair!

Warm regards,

The Creative Woo Team

Fine Print:

  • Upon submitting, you'll be added to the free weekly e-newsletter "Woo Your Creativity"
  • Due to the volume of submissions, not every bio may be showcased in the newsletter. However, we genuinely appreciate and review each entry.
  • By submitting your details, you grant us permission to use your photos in the "Woo Your Creativity" newsletter. All images will be credited to the submitting artist.
  • Ensure that all information provided is accurate and that you have the necessary rights to share any content submitted.
  • The Creative Woo Team reserves the right to make minor edits to submissions for clarity or brevity, though the essence of your bio will be maintained.
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Correo *
Full Name *
Preferred Pronouns:
Current Location
Which Creative Spirit are you? 
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Main form of creative expression (click up to 2)
Brief Bio (4-5 sentences) 
Share an Instagram Account you love to follow (include actual web link if possible, for example: )
Share a book (or 2) that you read recently that really stuck with you (does not have to be arts related). Include Title & Author and why you liked it.
Share a podcast / film / web series / etc. (or 2 or 3) that you've really enjoyed lately, and why.
What is a creative tool you can't live without?
What did you want to be when you grew up?
How do you get out of a Creative Block?
Website / Portfolio link
Social Media Handle
By clicking Yes, you agree to the terms listed above as well as be added to the newsletter *
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