2025-2026 CMS Beginner Band Info
Please enter all of the information in the boxes below. Your information will be kept private and will only be seen by the CMS Band Director. This information will be used to contact you regarding the upcoming beginner band instrument tryout and instrument rental/purchase nights.

Please fill out this form prior to instrument tryout night, you will be asked to check-in prior to entering the building at CMS!

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. Double check all entries for accuracy because it will affect our ability to communicate information to you in a timely manner. Please use the format examples provided for each question.


Thank you!

Casey Clark
Director of Bands
Clanton Middle School
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name student prefers to be called *
Student Last Name *
Student Contact Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Student Email Address (Please check for accuracy) *
Student Grade Level for Fall 2024 *
Student Birthdate (You may have to re-enter the year) *
Mailing Address *
City *
Zip Code *
Parent/Guardian 1 - First Name *
Parent/Guardian 1 - Last Name *
Parent/Guardian 1 - Contact Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) *
Parent/Guardian 1 - Email Address (Please check for accuracy) *
Parent/Guardian 2 - First Name *
Parent/Guardian 2 - Last Name *
Parent/Guardian 2 - Contact Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) *
Parent/Guardian 2 - Email Address (Please check for accuracy) *
1st Instrument Preference *
2nd Instrument Preference *
3rd Instrument Preference *
Do you already have a band (see preference list) instrument? *
Please choose one of the following options: *
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