Saint Augustine University - Trolley to the Polls
The Raleigh-Apex Branch of the NAACP and the Great Raleigh Trolley have teamed up to help get out the vote during early voting this year.  Please fill out the following form to secure your spot on the Trolley to the Polls!

Upcoming date:
October 27

Location: Hunter Building

Follow either @raleighapexnaacp or @greatraleightrolley on Instagram OR Facebook schedule updates

Trolleys are not ADA accessible. The trolleys can be lowered to the curb to make more access to riders that use a walking aid.  Trolleys will be operating a 50% capacity for public health safety due to COVID-19 and masks are required. No mask, no ride, no exceptions. Trolley to the Polls volunteers or the driver will have extra masks for those who need one.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Contact Number   *
Someone will be in touch to confirm your Trolley reservation
What's your preferred method of communication for confirming your ride to the poll? *
Will you have someone from your household joining you on the Trolley (whether they be voting age or a minor in your care)? If yes, please list their name(s). *
Following COVID-19 guideline restrictions, we'd like to capture accurate numbers on how many voters we're servicing to plan for future election cycles
Do you have any follow-up questions or specific requests for our team to consider and address? *
Select your ideal voting day/s and timeframe/s. Please select multiple options if your schedule is flexible.
Our team will reserve you in the first available slot of time that you selected and when we follow-up to confirm we should be able to give you a more accurate shuttle time within that block of time.
Tuesday, Oct. 27
For public health safety and adhering to Covid-19 guidelines, please confirm that you will wear a face mask at all times while onboard the Trolley or engaging with staff/volunteers, and that you'll keep as much distance between you and other riders as possible. *
Thank you for completely this Trolley to the Polls sign-up form and for making a commitment to vote in the 2020 General Election! We'll be in touch to confirm your ride within ~48 hours.
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