AK Quest 3 -- September 2023 Application
SEPTEMBER 8-10, 2023 / NYC
(Not initiated? Attend a Quest weekend. Click here.) 

All Kings is excited to offer Quest 3 -- a special advanced training open to initiated men. 

Quest 3 will allow to dive deeper into the wounds and beliefs that are holding us back.  Changing our beliefs about ourselves requires choice, inner work and focus. Quest 3 takes us deep into our core, where we discover perpetrators and allies that mold our characters. The training is the second part of a two-part series, beginning with Quest 2.

To participate, you must have attended Quest 2 or completed the Omega Point Program.

There are three levels to our work. The first of these consists of a unique form of voice dialogue which is used to access inner shadows. Powerful additional technology is employed in order to transform these shadows into allies. We then use a further technique to align these inner energies with your mission in the world.

The Quest 3 involves the deepest of inner work. You will be put into contact with your unconscious. More importantly, you will be shown how you can use your unconscious in order to both strengthen your sense of inner identity and to harness that sense of identity to your mission in the world.

Much is at stake. By discovering our true essence, we men can choose to empower others with our love, deeds and actions. We know when we project both our love and our shadows onto others. We know that the first works well for us, the second not at all. This training will provide you with the tools to reinvent who you can ultimately become. 

For initiated men, it will be an opportunity to build community and continue your own journey of self-discovery and purpose.

Please fill out the application below. Quest 3 is limited to 20 participants. 

All initiated men are encouraged to apply. Participation will be given to men according to the following criteria: 
1) Men who have demonstrated a commitment to All Kings and our work.
2) Men who have been directly impacted by the criminal justice system. 
3) At-risk young men. 

To participate, you must have attended Quest 2 or completed the Omega Point Program. 

This will be a co-ed training. The training will be facilitated by 4 lead facilitators, including two women. The majority of participants will be initiated All Kings men. A select group of people of other genders from partner organizations will also participate.

(Not initiated? Join us on a Quest weekend. See the Events page for dates.)

Application deadline is July 29. Application responses will be delivered August 2. 

-- Time: Friday, 9/8 (6-9pm) + Saturday, 9/9 (9am-6pm) + Sunday 9/10 (9am-6pm)
-- Participants must attend the full weekend
-- Location: TBD in NYC
-- Lunch will be provided both days. 
-- Cost: A suggested donation of $20-2000

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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone number *
Email *
Quest 3 is for initiated All Kings men only. 

If you are not initiated, please see the Events page on our website, for an upcoming Quest weekend. 
Are you an initiated All Kings man? (Did you attend a Quest weekend?) *
Did you attend Quest 2 or complete the Omega Point Program? 
Do you agree to attend the whole weekend? (See times and dates above.)
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We will be providing all food for the weekend. It will be basic and substantial. Do you have any dietary restrictions we should know about?
Why would you like to attend Quest 3? 
How have you supported the work of All Kings? 
If you have an other questions, please contact AK Programming Director Kevin Wall at kevin@allkings.org
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