The Beaver - Home life and COVID-19
Let us know how LSE's online shift has affected you, to guide our ongoing reporting.

We are particularly interested in hearing from people whose academic experiences/performance have been significantly impacted, or whose home lives have significantly impacted their capacity or abilities to engage with their studies.

If you consider yourself low-income or working class, and/or receive an LSE bursary; have taken on care duties or are an essential worker, please mention this specifically.

N.b. preliminary information suggests that working-class and low-income students have been among the worst affected academically of any groups for which LSE keeps data. We'd like to hear your experiences.
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How have you been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and public health measures?
This is a broad question on purpose. We'd like to hear about how you've been affected, specifically. Have you lost shifts of a job that you relied on? Have you been faced with new financial difficulties, or taken on new care responsibilities? How has your mental, or physical, health been affected? We want to get an idea of the diverse, intersectional ways that people are being affected.
How has LSE's online shift affected you?
Again, this is a broad question on purpose. Have you found that you are more, or less, engaged with your studies? Do you have work or care responsibilities that are difficult to manage with online uni? How is your experience with accessing academic, disability, or pastoral support?
How do you feel your circumstances have affected your academic performance / results?
How do you think your academic performance has been affected by the online shift - either relative to your peers, or relative to your prior work?
Tell us a bit about yourself
Eg. undergraduate/postgraduate, year of study, subject (or quant/qual degree) - whatever level of detail you're comfortable with. Do you receive a bursary from LSE (home students) or a scholarship?
If you're happy to be contacted for follow-up, please leave your name and email address.
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