Exploring Asian American Faith: A Discipleship Resource
We have created this resource and are testing it out for the first time. There is still more work to be done and we appreciate any questions or comments you have in helping improve it for future use.

As you have worked through it, was there anything confusing or unhelpful? Was there anything you'd improve? Or anything that you enjoyed and was helpful? Everything helps, thanks!
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Name and campus *
E-mail *
Are you a.... *
What is your ethnic background? (ex. Chinese American) *
On a scale from 1-5, how would you rate your probability of using this tool with others? *
Not likely
Will definitely be using this!
Tell us more about your rating.  What would you affirm?  What would you change? *
On a scale from 1-5, how would you rate your user experience? *
This was hard to use
This was easy to use
Tell us more about your rating *
Which sessions were most helpful? *
Which sessions were least helpful? *
What did you enjoy about using this tool? *
Do you have any suggestions to name this tool?
What needs to be improved? (If you have an idea for how to improve something, please share that too.) *
How did you hear about this tool?
Do you know of any Asian American resources (books, articles, media, etc.) that would be helpful to add to our resource page?
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