Bronxville Leaf Blower Survey
There are many serious pollution, noise, and health issues linked to gas-powered leaf blowers. These blowers are also very damaging to the health of our yards, local wildlife, and insect populations. Electric leaf blowers offer a cleaner, safer alternative. Many experts tell us leaf blowers aren’t needed at all for a healthy, safe lawn; that mulching leaves and layering them around plants is far better for the ecosystem and also results in a tidy yard.

In Bronxville, leaf blowers are banned from June 1 until September 30. Please complete this quick survey so we can better understand your opinion about this issue.

This survey is being conducted by the Bronxville Green Committee which is part of the Village of Bronxville.

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First Name *
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This survey is for Bronxville Village residents. Do you reside in the Bronxville 10708 zip code? *
Do you or your landscaper currently use gas-powered leaf blowers?
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In Bronxville, leaf blowers are banned from June 1st to September 31st. Are you in support of extending that ban to also include winter months (Jan-Mar)? *
Would you favor also banning leaf blowers during spring months (April-May)? *
Do you support a complete ban on gas-powered leaf blowers in Bronxville, with electric blowers permitted during designated months?*
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Do you support eliminating all leaf blowers in Bronxville, including electric? *
If you support extending the ban, what reasons are most important to you? Check top three.
Please let us know your thoughts on this issue.
Please provide your email address if you would like to receive information and updates from the Bronxville Green Committee.
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