Huntington News Alumni Questionnaire 
Hello! As a valued alum, we hope that you can share some details about yourself, your thoughts about The News and what it means to you to be an engaged member of our community.

We will use your answers to:
  • Create an alumni network and alumni LinkedIn group
  • Plan activities and events
  • Work to form a cohesive community of engaged Huntington and Northeastern News alumni
Our hope is to create a space, including everyone from news correspondents to editors-in-chief, who want to connect with each other and keep up-to-date with The Huntington News and Northeastern. 

We have much more information to share with you about The News, Northeastern and the students who produce this publication every day. We also want to hear from you about your time working at this paper and attending our university. Whether you are a former editor or wrote just one story, we hope that you can take a few minutes to fill out this survey.

Finally, we also want to mention that next year is our 100-year anniversary, and we have already started planning some major events and programming. From merchandise, a deeply reported "History of The News" project, to an in-person event around this time next year, we are so excited to share everything we've been working on.

Be on the lookout for any related announcements, please reach out ( if you have any interest in helping to plan any events or programming and thank you so much for filling out this survey.
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First and Last Name *
Email *
Phone number
What do you do for work?
What was your role on The News? *
What year(s) were you involved in The News?
Would you be interested in attending virtual alumni events (via Zoom)? *
Would you be interested in attending in-person events in Boston? (Specifically, we plan on hosting a dinner and day of programming for our Centennial Anniversary) *
Would you ever consider donating to The Huntington News? (Non-binding!)
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Would you ever buy Huntington News merch, such as mugs, sweatshirts or stickers? If so, what?
Are there any specific events or programming you would be interested in attending?
Would you be open to being interviewed or helping contribute to a reported "History of The News" piece?
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Would you like to refer anyone to join the alumni network? If so, please leave their name and contact information. 
Do you have any suggestions or want to help plan our Centennial Anniversary? If so, please describe below.
Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns. We hope to hear back from you!
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