Center For Recorded Music - Volunteer Questionnaire
Hello! Exciting things are in the works for the Center, and we'd love to have you volunteer with us! Please answer a few questions, it will only take a couple of minutes.
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Your Name
Phone Number
Are you interested in volunteering for live listening events or other fun opportunities?
(If no, skip to the end and click "Submit").
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What are the best days and times for you to volunteer?
Choose all that apply.
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Below is a list of volunteer opportunities. Choose ALL that you would be interested in helping with.
You don't have to have experience in the area to list your interest. There may be other volunteer opportunities in the future.
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Is there someone else in your family/friend group who wants to volunteer with you ?
Please include their name and email address.
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about volunteering to help C4RM?
About us
The Center For Recorded Music celebrates the artistic, technical, and societal history of recorded music.  Our goal is to increase community engagement by creating a state-of-the-art facility as a cultural center, museum, and living archive -- with world-class music reproduction and a full range of events, listening sessions, presentations, musical exhibits, and educational programming for all ages.  Please go to for more information
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