Adv Networking and Distributed Systems
Access to this course will be prioritized for students who have some experience with networking or distributed systems. Fill out the form and you will be contacted if there is space in the class.

The course will be a hands-on introduction to networking (how is the TCP protocol designed and implemented?), distributed systems (how can we build fault tolerant distributed software that handles network failures or malicious code?), and cloud computing (how can we combine a collection of cloud services to build complex web applications?). Since this is the first time it is being taught I don’t have a full syllabus to share, but there will be lectures and projects covering the above topics. You should expect it to be fairly programming intensive (group projects) and you might need to pick up some new languages along the way (C, java, python).
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
What is your name? *
What is your GW email? *
What is your GWID? *
What is your academic status? *
What department are you in? *
MS/PhD Students: Have you taken Distributed Systems (CS6421)
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Undergrad Students: Have you taken OS (CS3411)?
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Have you taken Networking (CS 3431/6431)?
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Anything else that has prepared you for this course or inspired you to take it?
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