7R Summer Tour Volunteer Sign Up 2022
Please use this form to sign up to volunteer at any summer tour dates you plan to be at! Our first move in is at Saint Thomas More in Oakdale, CT. Some housing sites are still being worked out, so for now, our general location will be listed next to each date. More details will be emailed to all who sign up once it is available! If you have any questions, please email andi.conrad@7thregiment.org
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Full Name / Pronouns (if you wish to share) *
Email Address *
Phone Number (for on-site communication) *
Are you fully vaccinated against COVID-19, or will you be by the date you are volunteering? *Please bring your vaccination card or a photo of it with you when you come to volunteer* *
Which days will you be volunteering with us? Select all that apply. *
Do you plan to stay over night with us? If yes, please list all dates. *
If you are volunteering while we're on the move, do you need to travel on board a 7R vehicle, or have you made other travel arrangements? If you would like to ride on a 7R vehicle, please list all dates you will need transportation for. *
Please select all areas you are interested in helping with *
If you need a pick up or a drop off at an airport or train station, please email jim.oneil@7thregiment.org to see if we can be of assistance.
What questions or comments do you have?
Thank you for volunteering with 7th Regiment! Please be on the look out for an email with more details on your time volunteering during our summer tour. If you have any questions about volunteering, please email andi.conrad@7thregiment.org
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