Primary Care Mental Health Research Conference 2022
We are delighted to be hosting online the 2022 Primary Care Mental Health Research Conference at the University of Manchester. The conference will showcase primary care mental health research currently being undertaken in the UK. The conference is supported by The Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) .

The conference is focusing on the following themes: 'Quality, Safety and Effectiveness'

Deadline for registration is 13th May 2022

Participants must be SAPC members.

If you are not a SAPC member, you can join SAPC here -

To register please complete this form
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SAPC membership number *
Your SAPC membership numbers can be found by logging in to the SAPC site and clicking on My Profile - The number (5-digit) is above the shaded grey box.
Preferred email *
Affiliation *
Do you want to present your research? We are inviting abstract submissions (250 words) for brief oral presentations . We particularly welcome submissions from early career researchers. If yes, complete our submission form (Deadline 11th March 2022) *
Are you an Early Career Researcher *
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