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The Global Latinidades Project Student Assistant & Student Researcher Application
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* Indicates required question
Job Number and Title
Cut and paste job number and title from job advertisement
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
UCSB Department Affiliation (if relevant)
Your answer
University Status
(e.g., Year of undergraduate or graduate study, Doctoral Candidate, etc.)
Your answer
Research Interests (2-3 sentences)
(e.g., senior thesis, MA thesis, dissertation topic)
Your answer
Career Goals (2-3 sentences)
(e.g., teacher, nonprofit sector, academic, etc.)
Your answer
Qualifications (2-3 sentences)
Note: guidance & training provided as needed
Your answer
Professional Reference Contact Information
Note: No endorsement letters are required but reference may be contacted
Your answer
Date Available
(e.g,. note preferred start and end dates, and indicated if you may be available for a multi-quarter appointment)
Your answer
Additional Information
(e.g., ADA accommodations, child care schedule parameters, etc.)
Your answer
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