The Global Latinidades Project Student Assistant & Student Researcher Application
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Job Number and Title *
Cut and paste job number and title from job advertisement
Date *
Name *
Email *
UCSB Department Affiliation (if relevant) *
University Status *
(e.g., Year of undergraduate or graduate study, Doctoral Candidate, etc.)
Research Interests (2-3 sentences) *
(e.g., senior thesis, MA thesis, dissertation topic)
Career Goals (2-3 sentences) *
(e.g., teacher, nonprofit sector, academic, etc.)
Qualifications (2-3 sentences) *
Note: guidance & training provided as needed
Professional Reference Contact Information *
Note: No endorsement letters are required but reference may be contacted
Date Available *
(e.g,. note preferred start and end dates, and indicated if you may be available for a multi-quarter appointment)
Additional Information
(e.g., ADA accommodations, child care schedule parameters, etc.)
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