2021 Digital Assignment Design Workshop
This summer's 4th annual workshop will be offered via zoom from 9am-4pm on Monday, August 2nd. The workshop will guide you through the design and planning of a digital assignment for one of your classes.

To apply for the workshop, please respond to the prompts below by July 23.  Your enrollment in the workshop will be confirmed via email.

If you have any questions, please contact Justina Elmore at jelmore@library.rochester.edu or Lara Nicosia at lnicosia@library.rochester.edu.
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Your Name *
Your Email Address *
Tentative Assignment Idea
The digital pedagogy workshop will guide you through the process of creating a digital assignment or project for your students to complete as part of a course you're teaching during the coming academic year.  To get the most out of the workshop, you should come with an idea of the course for which you would like to develop the project, and some sense of what you hope students will learn from the project.

In the space below, please name the course for which you hope to design a digital project, describe what you hope students will learn from the project, and share any other thoughts you have about the project.  You are not required to follow through with the idea you write here, but your description here help us prepare an experience that fits your needs and interests.
Name the course and describe what you hope students will learn here. *
Please tell us why you're interested in developing a digital project for your course. *
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