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Join an ASE Strike Prep Committee!
In order for us to be prepared to strike on May 14th a lot of things need to get done. Fill out this form to join one of the committees in charge of coordinating different aspects of our strike preparation!
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Which Strike Committee would you like to help with?
Mobilization & Organizing [HIGH PRIORITY] - Coordinating talking to every ASE, Strike Captain Trainings and town halls, Increasing membership
Communications- Emails, Social Media, Flyers
Direct Action- Planning Exciting Sit-ins and Rallies and More :)
Solidarity & Community Coordination- Communicating with other Unions. Get in touch with local businesses re: picket line support, food donations, etc.
Picket Lines Planning- Ordering supplies, Picking Picket locations, Strike Shift sign-up and assignment
Strike Assistance & Strike Pay- Setting up strike hardship fund, Coordinating with UAW Strike Assistance department
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