General Organic Chemistry - 09 (Reaction intermediates)
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Q1.  The homolytic fission of a covalent bond liberates *
1 point
Q2. Homolytic fission of C–C bond in ethane gives an intermediate in which carbon is *
1 point
Q3. In which of the following homolytic bond fission takes place ? *
1 point
Q4. On exciting, Cl2 molecules by UV light, we get *
1 point
Q5. Which of the following orders regarding relative stability of free radicals is correct? *
1 point
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Q6. The increasing order of stability of the following free radicals is *
1 point
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Q7. The most stable free radical among the following is *
1 point
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Q8. For the reaction of phenol with CHCl3 in presence of KOH, the electrophile is *
1 point
Q9. The least stable free radical is *
1 point
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Q10. Which of the following represents a set of nucleophiles? *
1 point
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