One2One initiative
Please note: Registration ends on January 22th!

You are invited to join One2One and create new connections!

We are seeking Jewish teen leaders (that's you!) for a one-of-a-kind program!
If you are a high-school student and have always wanted to meet an Israeli teen who shares the same interests, now is your chance!

The goals of One2One are three-fold:
1) Raising awareness, promoting unity, and mutual responsibility
2) Strengthening Jewish peoplehood literacy
3) Develop task-based collaborative skills

You will be matched with Israeli teens that share similar interests for five, 30-minute, one-on-one virtual meetings between February and May 2021. **Additionally there will be an orientation and follow-up meeting.  
Thematic tracks include history, art & music, sports, and science & technology.

If you have any questions or would like more information on this opportunity, please email SDJTI Project Manager, Guy Sela at

Thank you,
The SDJTI Team
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Cell Phone Number *
Current Grade Level *
High School Name *
Are you or your family affiliated with a Congregation, Synagogue, or Temple? If so, which one? *
Have you been to Israel? If so, was it a family visit, organized trip, or other? *
How did you hear about One2One? *
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