Together we know more, Together we counsel more.
We believe in opens doors to collaboration with our colleagues, partners, and peers. Building resources for our community began with asking questions and listening carefully. We continue to do that everyday. Answer the questions below, you can skip any you don't like. Doing this will help us build better programs and features, for you.

Thank you for your collaboration!
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What was your former career? Don't be shy, we all come to this profession from diverse corners of career fields, some far from education or admissions. We all come to this profession because we love the work. We know that, now let us get to know more. Where did you begin your career? Why this career, now?
Have you, on-your-own, administered a college comprehensive plan with a student, either paid or unpaid?
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We'd like to understand your entrepreneur's journey thus far. Has it been exciting and energizing? Or stop/start and dizzying? Or something in between? Please share your experiences with us in professional confidence.
Have you determined what your per student expense margin will be? If not, don't worry this is something we will do together.
Do you currently have a software account with CounselMore?
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What day/time best fits your availability to meet for live-virtual courses? Please only choose 2 preferred class times.
Do you want to be included in future workshop announcements? Are there any specific course topics that you'd like to suggest?
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Have you attended other career preparation programs? Please tell us about your experience, which ones, what did you love and not love?
We keep the cost of this program as accessible as possible. Your faculty volunteer to bring you the benefit of their experience. Did you find that the cost to value ratio was...
Price was too low
Price was too high
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What else do you want us to know?
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