For People Racialized as White
Thanks for contributing to my little research project! I'd love to know how frequently (or infrequently) you think about being white. Share your email address at the bottom if you want to see the results I gather.
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1. How often do you think about being white? Choose the answer that feels most generally representative - even though you likely experience variations. Tell me about the variations next. *
Comments or reflections on Question 1
2. What in particular leads you to think about being white? Choose as many as apply.
A violent, unjust or harmful action against BIPOC featured in news or social media
Watching, witnessing or being part of an interaction with BIPOC
A person identifying as white bringing something to my attention
A person identifying as BIPOC bringing something to my attention
Applying awareness gained through self-education (podcasts, books, workshops, etc.)
Vigilance that comes from my commitment to seeing, understanding, disrupting, & undoing white supremacy culture
Comments or reflections on Question 2
3. What do you mostly think about when you think about being white? You're welcome to add details below.
Details about Question 3
Anything else you want to share on the topic?
Let me know your email address if you want me to share what I learn from all this.
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