Maternal Mental Health
Thank you for time, it is greatly appreciated. The survey has multiple choice answers as well as the option to give long answers in some questions. If you feel uncomfortable, feel free to ignore any questions.
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What is your age?
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When did you first become a mother (year) ?
Where did you first give birth (Country)?
What is your ethnic background (Select all that apply). Options have been chosen as per 
Check all the following that apply regarding a midwife
After giving birth, who gave you the most support mentally and how ? Give multiple answers. (Examples: family, friends, medical specialists, social media)
Did you get screened for any mental health conditions post pregnancy?
What were the tricks that you used make time for yourself (between giving birth and 12 months after birth)?
How comfortable were you about talking with your partner about your mental health?
Not comfortable
Very comfortable
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Would you use a social media app targeted towards people who have recently given birth?
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What would you expect from an app targeted towards people who have recently given birth?
After birth, would you be interested in an app which can provide a trained person in household chores and also taking care of the child? If yes could you describe what task you would need help with?
After birth, would you be interested in an app which consists of other mothers posting supportive, wholesome and helpful content as well as other information aimed to support you mentally?
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What you like to add anything else which you think might me relevant?
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