Sail Training Application
Stage 1 Sail Training 9; 11-12 April 2020
Thorpe Bay Yacht Club
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Membership number at Thorpe Bay Yacht Club *
It is on your membership invoice. Alternatively you could ask our club secretary to retrieve it for you. This information is mandatory as we need to verify that you are a club member.
Date of application *
Name *
Age (for adults optional)
Which school year are you in? (adults: leave it blank)
Parent's / Carer's name if child applicant
Emergency contact - name *
Emergency contact - mobile phone *
Email *
Phone *
Please,  consider disclosing medical problems / disabilities, which may be relevant to safety and first aid. You can talk to the instructors in confidence or provide written information below. *
I wish to discuss the following problems I have: (optional)
Have you got any experience with sailing / watersports? It is OK if you have not.
Do you own a boat, or have you got access to a boat? *
Type of boat (if applicable)
Sail number (if applicable)
Please, indicate that you read and accept the Terms and Conditions for Sail Training at Thorpe Bay Yacht Club 2020 - published on the website *
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