Young professionals (20-35) and sports

Welcome to our survey examining the impact of sports on young professionals! This research aims to delve into the relationship between sports engagement and young professionals, encompassing individuals born between 1989 and 2004. Your participation in this survey is highly appreciated as it contributes to a deeper understanding of the role sports play in the lives of young people today.

This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your responses will remain anonymous and confidential, solely used for the purpose of this research. If you don't feel comfortable answering the open questions in English, then you are welcome to answer in German or Dutch.

Now, let's delve into your personal sports journey!

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What sports have you practiced in your life so far? Name the 3 most relevant to you. *

Welke sporten heb je tot nu toe in je leven beoefend? Noem de 3 sporten die voor jou het meest relevant zijn.

Welche Sportarten haben Sie bisher in Ihrem Leben ausgeübt? Nennen Sie die 3, die für Sie am wichtigsten sind.

If you stopped playing them, why is that? *

Als je ze niet meer speelt, waarom is dat?

Wenn Sie sie nicht mehr spielen, warum?

What type of sport do you prefer? *

Aan welk type sport geef je de voorkeur?

Welche Sportart bevorzugen Sie?

Why is that your favorite type of sport? *

Waarom is dat je favoriete sport?

Warum ist das Ihre Lieblingssportart?

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