Module 2
Email *
1. What is the meaning of information ? *
1 point
2. Which of the following is the correct hierarchy of data, information, knowledge and wisdom? 
1 point
3. What is Knowledge?  *
1 point
4. Which of the following statement is true?  *
1 point
5.  What is the relationship between data, information, and knowledge? *
1 point
6.  What is the significance of information? *
1 point
7.  Which of the following best describes the characteristics of information? *
1 point
8.  Which of the following is an example of data? *
1 point
9.  Which of the following best example of information? *
1 point
10. What is data?  *
1 point
Name  *
1 point
Roll Number  *
1 point
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