New Local Plan - Early Engagement

Your input is a valuable part of the preparation process for the review of the Tower Hamlets Local Plan and will inform the development of new policies to help shape the future of the places we live, work and play.

This page asks questions to help capture your views across a broad range of themes. You can also comment on any other issues you feel are important.

For more detail, you can head to our 'Let's Talk' page where you can find more information on how to get involved, events, engagement material and a detailed, accessible PDF document.

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1. Vision

A central part of a Local Plan is its ‘Vision’. A vision should be both aspirational and realistic in guiding the overall preparation of the new Local Plan. As part of the review process, a new vision will be prepared in consultation with the community.

In developing this vision, we need to establish a better understanding of the current context of the borough in terms of social, economic and environmental aspects, as well as the challenges and opportunities Tower Hamlets faces.

The council’s recently adopted Strategic Plan (2022-2026) provides eight priorities over the 5-year period. The new Local Plan vision will align with these priorities and ensure a vision that is relevant over the anticipated 15-year plan period.

Tower Hamlets priorities
1.1 What do you think makes Tower Hamlets special?
1.2 What would make Tower Hamlets a better place to live? To work or run a business? To grow up in?
1.3 What are your aspirations for the future of Tower Hamlets?
1.4 What are your concerns for the future of Tower Hamlets?
2. Homes for the future
This theme focuses on the delivery of an appropriate volume, mix and tenure of new homes across the Borough, tackling the issue of overcrowding. The theme will also cover the range of housing products delivered through development including addressing the need of affordable homes.  
2.1 How could new policies be developed to support the assessment, delivery and monitoring of new and emerging housing products?
2.2 What could improve the quality of housing provision within the borough?

(e.g. building services, communal spaces, adaptable layouts, accessibility etc.)  
2.3 What should be the main considerations in housing delivery?

(e.g. targets, affordability, size, tenure etc.)  
2.4 How could new policies be developed to support multigenerational homes and the ability for families to grow as a cohesive unit?
3. Employment and economic growth
This theme focuses on the borough’s significant role in the global economy and explores the continued support to local businesses in providing space for the diverse mix of employment types across the borough, including anticipating future demand and making space available to meet it.
3.1 How could policies be adapted to support changes in the way in which offices are used?
3.2 How can planning policies be developed to better protect and support local businesses, and allow them to thrive and expand?
3.3 How can we maximise the supply and delivery of affordable workspace in the borough?
3.4 How can policies be developed to better support changes in working patterns, such as remote working and working from home?
3.5 Where are there opportunities in the borough to co-locate industrial uses with housing?
4. People, places and spaces

This theme focuses on delivering places and spaces in the borough that are designed around people, ensuring that Tower Hamlets is a borough where people want to live, work and visit. Key to delivering this will be the detailed analysis and understanding of the character, design, and heritage of the borough.   

Tower Hamlets Proposed Growth Strategy
4.1 The Proposed Growth Strategy map shows which areas of the borough are believed to have the most capacity for growth. Do you think these locations correct? Are there areas that could have a greater or lesser potential for new development?
Tower Hamlets Proposed Tall Building Definitions
4.2 Are there areas of the borough which could be suitable for taller buildings, or which would be more sensitive to taller buildings? Should any of the Tall Building Zone boundaries be changed, or additional Tall Building Zones created?
Tower Hamlets Heritage and Conservation Designations
4.3 Are there additional landmark buildings or important views of the skyline that could be protected?
4.4 How can new developments be designed to be more socially and environmentally sustainable?
5. Inclusive design and safer streets for women & girls
This theme considers how the design of future developments can be more inclusive and ensure that our streets and public spaces are equitable and welcoming to everyone. 
5.1 Think about a journey you have made or an area you have visited in Tower Hamlets. Have you ever felt unsafe and/or avoided a route or place? If so, please share details of the location and your experience. 
5.2 Your insights will be used to gather data on hot spots in the area. As part of the next phase of this project, we will be establishing a number of design forums to collaborate with women and girls who live or work in Tower Hamlets.
If you wish to participate, please provide your name and a method of contacting you (e.g. phone number or email address).
6. Clean and green future
This theme focusses on responding to the climate crisis, ensuring that new developments improve the quality and health of the built environment.  
6.1 How could sustainability standards be improved to encourage the reduction of carbon emissions in new buildings?
6.2 How could developers be encouraged to deliver net zero developments, increased sustainability, and energy efficiency?

(e.g. increased cost of carbon offsets, new assessments considering whole-life cycle carbon, greater use of innovative heating/cooling systems etc.)
6.3 How could concerns about poor air quality and harsh microclimatic conditions be addressed through policy?

(wind tunnels, poor odour, noise, vibrations, heat etc.)
7. Town centres
This theme focuses on protecting town centres’ vitality and viability, maintaining essential goods and services and supporting town centres’ growth and diversification. 
7.1 What is your local town centre? What would you like to see more of in your local town centre? Is there anything you would like to see less of?
7.2 What needs do you expect to be met from a town centre?
7.3 How can policies relating to town centres be adapted to reflect the reality of how you use town centres?
7.4 What type of activities would you like to see expanded into the evening and night time? What do you think are the essential elements for this to be managed successfully in terms of access, amenity impacts (e.g. noise, privacy) and health and safety?
8. Community infrastructure
This theme focuses on protecting and providing Community Infrastructure which includes a range of services and facilities that meet local and strategic needs and contributes towards a healthy, positive quality of life. 
8.1 How can planning policies further support and protect community and cultural facilities?
8.2 What needs do you expect to be met from a community facility?
Community Infrastructure Map
8.3 Are there any facilities that are missing from the Community Infrastructure map?
9. Biodiversity and environmental health
This theme focusses on the borough’s network of natural and open spaces, also known as ‘green and blue spaces’, or ‘green infrastructure’. This includes everything from parks and playing fields, nature reserves and natural habitats, to allotments and urban greening.  
9.1 What do you think are the key barriers in accessing open space?
9.2 Are there areas of the borough that would benefit from urban greening, such as new street trees and green walls/ roofs?
9.3 What do you think the priorities for our green spaces should be?
9.4 What do you think the priorities for blue (water) spaces should be?
10. Movement and connectivity
This theme focusses on how residents and visitors travel across the borough, considering how easy, accessible, and safe it is to walk, wheel, cycle, and take public transport in Tower Hamlets. 
10.1 What can be done to encourage more wheeling, walking, and cycling in your local area?
10.2 Are there areas of poor walking and cycling connections that could be improved?
10.3 How can policies be developed facilitate improved connections between neighbouring boroughs?
11. Reuse, recycling and waste

This theme focuses on the need to provide the infrastructure to reduce waste, help manage it in a sustainable way and promote the recovery of resources from waste in line with the Resources and Waste Strategy for England, the London Environmental Strategy and Don’t Waste Our Future, Tower Hamlets Waste Management Strategy 2018-2032.  

11.1 How should the council approach opportunities to use existing and safeguarded waste management sites?
11.2 How could policies in relation to waste incorporate best practice and innovative methods?
12. Delivering the Local Plan Vision

This theme sets out how the new Local Plan will meet our aspiration for ‘One Tower Hamlets’ a borough where all residents have an equal stake and status. To achieve this, we must continue to develop our economy, maintain and increase the resilience of our built and natural environment, provide better places and a high quality of life.

12.1 What aspects could the council consider in order to address the short to medium term impacts resulting from the delivery of development schemes?

12.2 What other aspects of health and wellbeing could be considered in the new Local Plan?

12.3 What can be done to address the potential negative impacts of the delivery of strategic scale land allocations?

13. Site allocations
The site allocations focus on specific development sites. Site allocations set out the Council’s expectations for land uses, infrastructure, design and connectivity on specific sites where development is expected to take place. Applications for planning permission on these sites are then expected to meet the criteria set out in the site allocations. These allocated sites will have a big influence over the way the borough grows in the next fifteen years and beyond, with each allocation expected to deliver at least 500 new homes, significant infrastructure, and improved public realm.  
Proposed Site Allocations
13.1 Do you have any comments on how the existing site allocations should be developed?
13.2 Are there additional sites that would be suitable for large-scale housing development that we have missed?
13.3 Please comment on a proposed new site allocation:
1. London Metropolitan University
How would you like to see this site developed?
What land uses should be included?
What infrastructure is needed?
What design and connectivity criteria should be included?
What are the maximum building heights that should be allowed on this site?
2. Whitechapel North
How would you like to see this site developed?
What land uses should be included?
What infrastructure is needed?
What design and connectivity criteria should be included?
What are the maximum building heights that should be allowed on this site?
3. Hertsmere House
How would you like to see this site developed?
What land uses should be included?
What infrastructure is needed?
What design and connectivity criteria should be included?
What are the maximum building heights that should be allowed on this site?
4. Marsh Wall Extension
How would you like to see this site developed?
What land uses should be included?
What infrastructure is needed?
What design and connectivity criteria should be included?
What are the maximum building heights that should be allowed on this site?
5. Orchard Wharf
How would you like to see this site developed?
What land uses should be included?
What infrastructure is needed?
What design and connectivity criteria should be included?
What are the maximum building heights that should be allowed on this site?
6. Blackwall Trading Estate and Leamouth Road Depot
How would you like to see this site developed?
What land uses should be included?
What infrastructure is needed?
What design and connectivity criteria should be included?
What are the maximum building heights that should be allowed on this site?
7. Aberfeldy Estate
How would you like to see this site developed?
What land uses should be included?
What infrastructure is needed?
What design and connectivity criteria should be included?
What are the maximum building heights that should be allowed on this site?
8. Teviot Estate
How would you like to see this site developed?
What land uses should be included?
What infrastructure is needed?
What design and connectivity criteria should be included?
What are the maximum building heights that should be allowed on this site?
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