DB-TC Kindergarten Registration 2024-25
Welcome! Entering Kindergarten is a very special and important time in your child's life. We are so glad you have chosen to join the Family of Dollar Bay School!

We are excited about our fun KINDERGARTEN ROUND-UP ON APRIL 12! 
Each child will experience a story with the teacher, a cookie and milk in the lunchroom, and a bus ride around the neighborhood. Please sign up for a session at the bottom of this form. Here is the flier. Please share with friends or neighbors with 4-year-olds:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TXEloW1L4XHkukvt6OVDCFlWZ4_zzRd8/view?usp=sharing

In the State of Michigan, children entering Kindergarten must be five years old on or before September 1. (Parents wishing to enroll their child who is not yet five on Sept. 1, but WILL be 5 on or before November 30 should fill out this form AND call the school office for more information.) 

Parents, please complete this online form, and then bring in the documents needed. We are happy to answer any questions by phone, as well. Please call 906-482-5800 x1138 (Laura Shilling, elementary secretary). Please complete a new form for each child you wish to enroll in Kindergarten.

We will need the following DOCUMENTS to enroll your child in school. Please bring the original documents to school any day during open hours. We will copy them in the office and return them to you.
OR, if preferred, you can take a VERY CLEAR picture of each of these documents and email to Laura Shilling (shillingl@dbschools.us). 
1. Child's Birth Certificate
2. Immunization Records (or waiver from the health department) 
3. Proof of Residency (utility bill, tax document, or driver's license with current address)
4. Hearing and Vision Screening Verification (make appointment at WUPHD - 482-7382 x171)
5. Child's Social Security Card (optional, but recommended) 

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Email *
Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Child's Birth Date *
Parent Names *
Parent Phone Numbers *
Address of Primary Residence *
Does your child reside OUTSIDE of the Dollar Bay-Tamarack City School District? (If so, we will additionally need School of Choice paperwork signed and submitted.) *
Has your child ever been enrolled in preschool or daycare? If so, where/with whom, and for how long (what years/months)? *
Does your child have any special medical or other needs? (Food allergies, has an IEP, receives speech therapy, etc.) *
Preferred session for Kindergarten Roundup - Friday afternoon, April 12.  *
Thank you for filling out this initial registration form.
In August, we will send you the more comprehensive form that all K-12 DB-TC students' families fill out prior to the start of each school year. This initial registration form will ensure your child is on our roster in plenty of time to communicate with you about everything needed before the start of Kindergarten. Please feel free to call us with any questions: 906-482-5800.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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