Tune Up Tuesdays Night Sign Up - Detroit House of Comedy
Every Tuesday night at 7:30pm The Detroit House Of Comedy hosts the hottest new mic in town! Tickets are FREE!! 

This is a BOOKED MIC! Sign up by Monday 11:59pm for a chance to be booked on the following week's show!

For example, if you sign up on Monday 10/10 at 3:00pm, you would be signing up for a chance to perform at the following week's mic, on Tuesday 10/18. 

Sign up once a week and be on the look out for a booking email!
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First & Last Name: *
Would you be interested in hosting Tune Up Tuesday? *
Phone Number: *
Email: *
Have you done stand-up before? If so, how much? *
What's your Instagram handle? (If applicable) *
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