Welcome to the Job Market Pulse — [POWERED By UpDoc Media]
This is a 100% ANONYMOUS, public contribution. Please check out the intro video below. And, please visit regularly & check out the publicly open data summary at the end of this form.

—If you are interested in the data set, please join our mailing list & refrain from entering random data ;)
—To join the mailing list, please visit http://updocmedia.com/jobmarketpulse
—Please only use the CASH PAY for each opportunity; do not include benefits.
—For NEGOTIATIONS, please use the FINAL & BOTTOM SECTION to note the difference in counteroffers.
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This form is COMPLETELY Anonymous
To receive The Pulse Periodical newsletter with all the breakdown analysis as well as the raw downloadable data set, please subscribe on the separately linked form at the end of the survey.
Which state is this job located? *
Please enter the Zip Code (if available)
Please select the clinical setting. *
The compensation is based on... *
The pay type is... *
Please select hourly or salary.
The cash/salary payout is... *
Please input the NUMERICAL VALUE. Example: "40" for $40/hr, or, "80000" for $80,000/year.
The position is for a... *
The position is... *
Are years of experience associated in this opportunity? (ie. years required, or, years of experience of candidate affecting pay — please describe)
***FOR TRAVELERS: Please enter the taxable portion of your compensation
***FOR TRAVELERS: Please enter the UNTAXED portion of your compensation
★★★FOR NEGOTIATIONS & COUNTEROFFERS — Please briefly note the initial offer AND final offer.
★★★FOR NEGOTIATIONS & COUNTEROFFERS — Was the final offer accepted?
JOB SEARCH: Where do you go to look for new job openings and career opportunities?
Employers are having difficulties connecting with the talent pool. Where do you or would you go looking for a new job if it was time?
OPEN RESPONSE: Please add any other relevant factors, if not listed above. And, thank you for joining THE PULSE!
Say what you want to say! Whoever it is you want to hear about this, they WILL.
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