Liquid Rocketry Lab Business Interest Form
Liquid Rocketry Lab is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, student-led engineering-focused team with a goal to design, fabricate, test, and launch a liquid-fueled rocket to reach the Karman Line (100km altitude), the official 'edge of space'. This would make us the first college team in the world to achieve such a feat. Liquid Rocketry Lab aims to achieve this goal through research focusing on high powered liquid-fueled rocket systems including but not limited to: Research in the rocket structures and supersonic aerodynamics, guidance navigation and control systems (GNC), recovery methods, and of course rocket engine design and manufacturing. We are a dedicated group of students at NC State University with a diverse background in rocket science and engineering as a whole. This is a great place to practice skills and gain experience that you may not otherwise get a chance to as an undergraduate.

It's not all about engineering on the team, however! As a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit, we are always in need of passionate people to join the business team! The business team's primary responsibilities are recruiting, fundraising, managing financials, and increasing the team's image. More specifically, we have groups specializing in accounting, fundraising, legal, recruitment, and social media! If you are looking for real-world, hands-on experience in the business field, look no further!

We are looking for highly motivated and passionate students to join the business team which focuses on the entrepreneurial aspect of the organization. The business team is not broken into teams but groups of people interested in common tasks. If you are interested in joining the business team you would join the general business team then join these groups as you see fit!

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How much time can you dedicate to Liquid Rocketry Lab (per week) ? *
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