The Love Code: Chapter Feedback!
Thank you for reading my book! :) I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

I would love to hear your feedback so that I can know what to improve on and know what you all are thinking about the book so far.

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                ----------------Chapter 33: Cody's Interlude---------------
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Who was your favorite character in this chapter? *
Did you enjoy finding out more about what's going on between Cody and Skylar? *
What do you think about how Cody treated Skylar? *
Do you feel as though Skylar should have forgiven Cody? Do you think Cody's apology was sincere? *
What do you think about Cody punching in his car window? Any thoughts on what's going to follow? *
How do you guys feel about Skylar kissing Cody?
What are your thoughts on their relationship at this point? *
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