Membership Application Form
The Merriwa & District Chamber of Commerce & Industry seeks to serve as an all inclusive group that offers support for the local businesses in our district. Our main purpose is to provide business support services, networking and business opportunities for our membership by working proactively with our members as well as local, state and federal government agencies and associated corporate partners.  
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1. Application for Membership
Merriwa and District chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc.

Please note that each person requires a separate form to be completed and payment is per individual person. If you have any question or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. 
(Name) *
Owner of (Business Name)
Trading Address *
Please include full address
I/we hereby apply for this business to become a member of the Merriwa and District Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. In the event of my admission as a member, I agree to be bound by the rules of the association for the time being in force.  
Signed *
Please type your name
Date *
2. Business NSW Membership Declaration
As a member of the Merriwa and District Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. you are entitled to a FREE Local Chamber Membership package with Business NSW, which includes access to a range of additional business tools and resources. For full membership benefits see  
I, the above named and being a financial member of the Merriwa Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. Industry, hereby agree to become a member of Business NSW (within the Local Chamber membership class) and be bound by the Business NSW Constitution which is published at, the Business NSW Membership Terms and Conditions which are published at, and the Business NSW Privacy Policy which is published at

Please Note: If you are already a member of Business NSW in a membership class other than the Local Chamber membership class and would like to move to the Local Chamber membership class, then you must first resign your existing membership  
Please continue to the next section for membership fee and payment details
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