Team Registration
If you wish to register a team for the upcoming 2024 fall season, please fill out our registration form. It is recommended that you have 12-14 players on your roster as you need at least 7 players each week and having a few subs each game is ideal. Games are Saturdays, 10am- 12pm from September 7th to November 30th. The cost is $800 for a 12 game season. A $250 down payment is due by Saturday August 24th and the remaining balance by Sept 7th.
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What is your name? *
Phone Number? *
Email? *
Do you require any more players to fill your roster? 12-14 committed players is ideal. *
If you answered yes to the above question, please state how many more players you require.
What is your team name?
The deadline for registration for the upcoming Fall 2024 season is Saturday August 24th.  To complete the process you must pay league treasurer Jamie Hamley a $250 down payment via etransfer at Please make the password: Football
The remaining league fees are due Sept 7th. Email with any questions.
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