The Holy Quran feedback form
Salaams and peace be upon you.

As a user of the Quran app (who has given us valuable feedback in the past), we would love to hear your opinion on the app.

Our goal is to improve constantly and bring you the best Quran app experience. Thus we ask you to answer a couple of questions that will let us understand how you use the app and what struggles you have. Based on this information, we will build a strategy for improving the app and bringing your user experience to a new level for coming generations of users.

We respect your privacy, and therefore the information gathered in this questionnaire will be used only for internal product development purposes.

Thank you for spending your time helping the Quran app become better!
How often do you use the App? *
What platform do you use? *
Could you tell us when and why you began using the Quran App? *
How much time do you spend per session? (Session is a single instance of active engagement with the app; e.g., when reading Quran or listening to it in the background) *
Have you used any other Quran apps? *
If so, which ones and what did you like and dislike about them?
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