CRLC September Events Sign-Up & Waiver
CRLC Assumption of Risk and Liability Waiver
This online form is a legal document that serves as an Assumption of Risk and Liability Waiver in regards to participating in Capital Region Land Conservancy's (CRLC) events. The waiver must be completed for EACH participant, even if you have already completed a waiver for previous events. Completing one waiver for a couple is NOT acceptable. Please complete all information fields and read the terms of the agreement before signing the document by typing your name where indicated.

Learn more about each event on CRLC's Events Calendar.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Select the event(s) you are participating in: *
Full Legal Name *
Date of Birth *
Phone Number *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
I, the undersigned, do hereby agree to participate, or allow my child or ward to participate, in the aforementioned activity. I assume all risks and liability that may arise from my or their participation in this activity. I understand that there are risks inherent in this recreational activity and that it carries the possibility of physical injury including serious injury or fatality. With regard to the activity to which this form applies, nothing shall be construed to grant an expressed or implied warranty of safety. I understand that each participant has the responsibility to exercise due care for the safety of himself/herself and of the other participants. I further understand that the Capital Region Land Conservancy, its officers, agents, employees, volunteers, event partners, and sponsors are not liable for any injury including that which may result from the negligence of persons conducting this program and I assume all risks and liability that may arise from my involvement and participation in this activity.
Participant or Parent/Legal Guardian Signature (type full name) *
Today's Date *
In accordance with section 8.01-40 of the Code of Virginia, I hereby give permission to be photographed, or for my child or ward to be photographed, during this activity, and I give Capital Region Land Conservancy permission to use or distribute such photographs without identification.
Participant or Parent/Legal Guardian Signature (type full name) *
Today's Date *
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