邊境政策受災戶意見調查 Poll for the affected people of the strict border policy
我們願意遵守規定,接種疫苗、隔離、PCR 檢測都可以,只希望給予一個入境的機會。    



Poll for the affected people of the strict border policy

Have you ever wondered why some people to take a risk during the pandemic when they know all the difficulties? Willing to spend a lot of time and money? Everyone's situation is different, but everyone's feeling the same frustration and powerlessness because of the border policy.

There is still a group of people who are restricted to enter by the Taiwan's border policy, still unable to meet with their loved one, study, or work as they were supposed to.

It has been more than a year since the pandemic started to spread. We have a lot more knowledge and understanding of the virus now, but the border control policy has remained vaguely the same. We fully understand the restriction on the number of entries because of safety concerns, but can we not discuss it together? Must we wait until the virus has completely disappeared before discussing to gradually open the borders?

We are willing to abide by the entrance regulations. Vaccination, quarantine, and PCR testing are all acceptable, we only hope to have the chance to enter the country.

This poll is for those who are affected by the border restrictions. We hope to collect information about the numerous people who are affected, and respond to government agencies, and public opinion representatives.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to respond to the form or send us a direct message. We will reply you as soon as possible, thank you for your time.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
目前無法入境,您遇到的狀況是?What is your status, if you're currently unable to enter the country? *
目前臺灣的邊境政策:只允許有居留證者入境,其餘緊急、人道需求,則以專案處理。下列為目前不被允許入境的狀況:The current border policy of Taiwan: Only those with ARC are allowed to enter the country, and other urgent and humanitarian needs will be dealt with as special cases. The following are currently not allowed to enter the country:
在疫情之前您最近一次入境臺灣是透過何項簽證?What type of visa did you use to enter Taiwan the last time before the pandemic? *
無法入境的狀況自何時開始? When did it become impossible to enter the country in your situation? *
若放寬邊境管制,您可以接受的檢疫條件程度?If entry restrictions were to relax, but with tightened quarantine, what would be your threshold? *
若邊境嚴管的狀況仍持續下去,多久之後您將考慮放棄入境臺灣?How long are you willing to wait, if the current border restrictions continue, before you give up your current plans to enter Taiwan? *
請敘述您目前的狀況及相關經驗,我們希望能盡可能蒐集不同的狀況。Describe your situation and experience in depth, we would like to hear as many stories as possible (not required)
您的姓名? Your name *
您的國籍?Please state your nationality *
若您有任何問題,歡迎在此留言。Please leave any other comments here.
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