Midnight Skate Fest 2023
Event Timing: June 27th - July 1st 2023
Event Address: Oslo, Norway
Contact us at +47 991 68 416 or midnightskatefest@gmail.com
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Team name *
Team leader e-mail *
Team rider #1: name and IG *
Team rider #2: name and IG *
Team rider #3: name and IG *
Team rider #4: name and IG
Team rider #5: name and IG
When is the team arriving? *
Diets or allergies *
I understand that my team will have to pay for my own travel expenses and accomadation. (Offers and tips at the website. *
I understand that my team will have to make an edit according to the rules mentioned on the website. *
I understand that I will have to send in profile pictures of all team members to midnightskatefest@gmail.com ASAP *
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