Living with IH Community & Special Presentations - Registration
You will only need to fill in this form once. Your registration will mean that you will receive information about all future Living with IH community meetings and special presentations. You can ask for your registration to be cancelled at any time. This form is for Hypersomnolence Australia's reference only.
Email *
Full name *
Where do you live? *
Only people living in Australia and NZ can attend Living with IH meetings but anyone can attend our special presentations.
How old are you?
This helps us to decide if we should have break out meetings for age related groups eg: young adults
Do you have a diagnosis of Idiopathic Hypersomnia? *
Only people with an IH diagnosis and living in Australia or NZ can attend our Living with IH meetings. Exceptions will be at the discretion of the facilitators (this is likely to be for special meetings where we invite loved ones, or health care professionals etc). Note: Anyone is welcome to attend our special presentations.
If you have not been diagnosed with IH (and you do not fit into any of the other categories above), what is your reason for wanting to attend our Living with IH Community Group?
Do you foresee a challenge with showing your video during the Living with IH community meetings?
NOTE: cameras are not required to be on during special presentations.   
It is a requirement of the Living with IH community that your video is displayed at all times. Please contact facilitators if this is a concern. 
Have you read the 'information and guidelines for attendees' document and do you agree to follow these guidelines?
This is for our Living with IH meetings only. If you are only interested in our special presentations please tick that box.
How did you hear about the LWIH community? *
Do you have any concerns or questions about attending the LWIH community meetings?
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