2021 Your Child ~ One Form per Student Required
Information provided on this form will provide our teachers and staff with relevant information regarding your child as they commence their education at Macquarie College.

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What is your child's special interests? e.g. lego, animals, etc.
Medical Condition/s - Has your child's medical status changed since you completed the Enrolment Application. I.e. have they acquired or no longer suffer from a medical condition, has there been a change in their condition/diagnosis/medication, or do they have an updated Action Plan? *
If yes, please outline any changes to your child's medical condition, including diagnosis and medications applicable.  Changes may require a new Action Plan and medication to be supplied to the College.
Is you child currently attending a Pre-School or Day Care? *
If yes, please provide the name of the Pre-school or Day Care. *
If yes, how many days are they attending a week?
Is your child right-handed or left-handed? *
I am happy for my child to be given the occasional ice block/lolly at school? *
You may to wish to make us aware of something about your child.  Please give details,
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