As an employee, you are our most valuable asset - both for the job you do and for your support of Mercy Medical Center. If you've supported the HERO Campaign in the past, then you know how important giving is!
Employees who give inspire others to give, not only your fellow employees but the community at large. HERO, the acronym for our employee giving campaign, stands for Helping Employees Reach Others.
Mercy Foundation invites you to participate in our HERO Employee Giving Campaign by beginning or increasing your existing ongoing payroll deduction in support of Mercy Medical Center. This year, our top fundraising priority is Imaging Services and we need your help to bring new and much-needed imaging equipment and services to our medical center!
Joining is easy! Simply fill in your information, choose the amount you would like to donate, choose a funding priority that you are passionate about, and click submit!
Calling all HEROES (formerly Spirit Boosters), we kindly ask you to consider increasing your donation amount this year. Whether you can give a little, or give a lot, every gift counts.
For more information or question, visit our Employee Giving web page at or call Shelby Davidson, at 209.564.4200.
Thank you again for your support of the HERO Employee Giving Campaign!