Acceptable Use Form 2023-2024
This form must be completed prior to a Chromebook being issued to a student. This policy covers all use of technology at St. John’s. This form will take the place of needing to sign and return the last sheet of the acceptable use policy. If you have multiple children, please list all their names and grades on the form.

Please read the Technology Acceptable Use Policy that was sent to you. After reading, please discuss these policies with your son/daughter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Franklin or Mrs. Runge. This permission will remain in force through the current school year unless revoked by the school for disciplinary reasons.
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Email *
Student Name(s) & Grade(s) *
Parent Name *
I agree to the stipulations set forth in the Technology Acceptable Use Policy and the Student Pledge for Chromebook Use *
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