Dating App Experience Survey
For educational and research purposes. Survey is designed to gather insights into people’s experiences, emotions, and behaviors while using dating apps. It is anonymous to ensure participants to be has honest as they can be.  Please answer based on your current or past experiences. If you no longer use dating apps, reflect on your time using them. Thank you for your time!
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 1. What is your age? *
2. What is your gender identity? *
 3. What is your sexual orientation? *
 4. What is your race/ethnicity? (Select all that apply) *
5. How often did you/do you use dating apps when you were active? *

6. Only answer if you no longer use dating apps (if this does not apply please skip)

Why did you stop using dating apps? (Select all that apply)

7. Which dating apps have you used/currently using? (Select all that apply) *
8.. How often did you/do you use dating apps? *
9. What was/is your primary reason for using dating apps? (Select all that apply) *
10. On a scale of 1-5, how does using dating apps affect your self esteem?
(1= very negatively, 5= very positivity)
11. Have you ever felt emotionally drained after using dating apps?  *
 12. Do you feel that dating apps increase or decrease your anxiety about dating?  *
13. How often do you experience feelings of rejection or disappointment from using dating apps? *
14. Do you feel pressure to present yourself in a certain way on dating apps? (e.g., choosing only flattering photos, adjusting bio to seem more appealing, etc.) *
15.  Have you ever felt more confident about yourself because of positive interactions on dating apps ? *
16. Have you ever found yourself swiping on dating apps without much thought?   *
17. What is the main reason you engage in mindless swiping? (Select all that apply) *
18. Have you ever deleted a dating app due to feeling like swiping became a habit rather than a meaningful experience?   *
19. Have you ever experienced ghosting on a dating app? (Ghosting = when someone suddenly stops responding without explanation) *
20. Have you ever ghosted someone on a dating app?   *
21. Have you noticed any patterns in the type of interactions where ghosting occurs?   *
22. Has past experiences with ghosting changed how you approach dating apps?   *
23. If you have ghosted someone, what was your main reason for doing so? (e.g., lost interest, felt uncomfortable, didn’t know how to say no, etc.) *

24. How does being ghosted affect you emotionally?

25. In what ways do you think dating apps have changed your perspective on relationships and dating?   *
26. Do you think having too many choices makes it harder to form meaningful connections?  
27.Do you think dating apps encourage a "mindless swiping" culture?  

28. Do you believe dating apps have overall improved or worsened your dating experience? Please explain.

29. In what ways do you think dating apps have influenced your self-esteem, either positively or negatively?   *
30. Can you describe a specific experience where using a dating app made you feel particularly positive or negative?   *
31. Do you think your demographics (gender, sexual orientation, race etc) has impacted your experiences on dating apps? *
32.  If you could change one thing about dating apps, what would it be and why?   *
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