Share your Employee Ownership Success Story
Tell us about your company's employee ownership journey.  Answer as many of the questions as you wish. Select stories will be published on our website - 

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What factors or events led your company to explore and ultimately choose the path of becoming employee owned?

What form of employee ownership did you choose?

What are the most noticeable changes you've experienced in your company’s culture, performance, or employee engagement since becoming employee-owned?

How do you envision employee ownership contributing to the future of work in your industry and beyond?

What key lessons did you learn during your transition to employee ownership that other companies should know?

What factors should companies carefully evaluate before deciding to become an ESOP or employee-owned business?

What advice would you give to leadership teams about preparing employees for the shift to an employee-owned structure?

Other comments: 

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Your Name and Title *
Thank you for your story!
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